Easter Thoughts from Peter Coster

As I have explained before, Easter, like the Nativity, is when every priest seeks an altar and a pulpit, for these are the major events in the Christian faith for everyone.  With larger congregations Licensed Lay Ministers (formerly Readers) become servers and chalice bearers.  I remember one occasion at Easter when the church was crowded, we had two patens (bread) and two chalices.  A conversation in the vestry established the version of the stately gavotte that the two pairs would do to avoid unseemly collisions, omissions or horror of horrors a spillage of wine.


One of the first communicants was a man with a baby and toddler.  I turned to the priest, questioningly, as giving a blessing was a priestly privilege.  He whispered “Then bless them, Peter”.  So I did, as a prayer, since in my book only one being gives blessings and we know who.  The number of children was amazing, most rather stunned at learning that Jesus was their friend who was always with them.  It made Easter for me, an experience that remains with me.

Peter’s Easter thoughts

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