Dear All….

In the darkening days of winter as we head towards the longest night and the coldest months when we are weighed down by Covid of the threat of a lonely Christmas, the lack of hugs, of not singing carols in church, of being trapped it is easy to slip into a spiral of melancholy.


But there is always something we can do, something to show we are awake and alert and looking for he light, something to show that we are ready to follow our Lord’s commands and to be ready for His eventual return. You may not think what you do counts….. especially if you compare yourself with the importance of a doctor or a prime minister  or a priest but God loves everyone equally and values their contributions. So if you feel a little weighed down and despondent, that you are doing very little by being at home take heart from the true tale  from the book  Dirty Glory by Pete Grieg, about the Hebridean revival –it is worth reading. Caspar gave a copy to each of the ministry team a few years ago and although we have used this illustration before it is worth reading again……. And then thinking about what God is calling you to do.


The Hebridean revival began in the tiny village of Barvas on the Isle of Lewis, where two elderly sisters, Christine and Peggy Smith, were sitting by their peat fire lost in prayer. One of them was eighty-two, bent double with arthritis and the other was eighty-four and blind. They couldn’t do much, but they could certainly still pray, and on this particular night their souls were burdened deeply by the complete absence of young people from the church across the fields. Outside the moon hung high in the sky and the windswept in from the sea, but inside the fire sighed and crackled, casting gentle shadows across the room as the Smith sisters poured out their hearts to heaven in their native Gaelic tongue.


Suddenly one of the women received a vision of young people filling the church. It was as simple as that – the sort of thing we might gloss over in many of our meetings today. But these two old prayer warriors were not so flippant. They summoned the minister to their house the following morning and informed him quite unequivocally that he would be needing to get ready. ‘Revival is coming.’


‘What do you suggest I do?’ he asked a little helplessly.

‘What should you do?’ they gasped. ‘You should pray, man!’ And then these two octogenarian saints proposed a deal. ‘If you will gather your elders and pray in the barn at the other end of the village at least two nights per week,’ they said, ‘we will do the same here from ten at night ‘til three in the morning.’


And so a remarkable series of late-night prayer meetings began in the village of Barvas on the Isle of Lewis in the year 1949. They persevered like this, praying for five hours a night, twice a week because they were convinced that God had spoken — and that when he gives a promise it’s our job to pray it into being. There were no instant answers, no further visions and certainly no teenagers miraculously turning up at church. But they refused to relent. The Smith sisters kept praying in their cottage, and the church elders kept praying in their barn for many weeks, until a particular night when one of the elders stood to read Psalm 24:


Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD?

Who may stand in his holy place?

The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,

who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.

they will receive blessing from the Lord and

vindication from God their saviour.


‘Brethren,’ he said, ‘it is just so much humbug to be waiting thus, night after night, month after month, if we ourselves are not right with God.’ They nodded and he continued, ‘I must ask myself, “Is my heart pure? Are my hands clean?” He lifted his head and emitted a strange cry, then he fell to his knees and crumpled to the floor.


The barn was suddenly filled with the presence of God. It was a moment that would later be identified as ‘the catalyst that let loose a power that shook the Hebrides’.

The following morning the minister sent word to an organisation called The Faith Mission in Edinburgh, requesting a Gaelic-speaking evangelist to be sent to the island without delay. A preacher by the name of Duncan Campbell was duly dispatched and made his way north. By the time he reached the village of Barvas, the church was packed with inquisitive locals wanting to make sure that they didn’t miss out on whatever peculiarities might happen next.


‘What happened next’ is a holy thing, and I write about it even now with a sense of awe. It was as though the Holy Spirit began moving in the building. Many in the congregation actually cried out as if they were in physical pain. Some people arrived at the church after midnight, having been woken at home with an irresistible urge to come. That first meeting continued until four in the morning. Duncan Campbell himself had intended to stay in the Hebrides for just ten days but remained for more than two years, travelling from place to place, praying and preaching everywhere he went, leading countless people to Christ.


Dirty Glory is available from Amazon for less than a fiver.




I posted this originally around remembrance day because it contains some war time memories of life as a prisoner of war but I have such a positive response from those who watched it that I have reposted.  My father comes across as a phlegmatic and unflappable character even in the most difficult of situations. He comments that he might have become a minister if times had been different- I wonder what sort of a minister he would have been?

Reader, Roy Cooper, of Sundy scribblings fame sent me this  following reading the Church Times. 

Hello Jim,


I found this in this week’s Church Times so I thought I would pass it on. I had a look at the first few questions……. and put it aside to do later! 🙂


It’s a link to a Government website that’s taking a survey about faith. I think we should all do this and wondered if you might like to include it in your blog.

The URL to the actual survey is this:




The Redruth Ministry Team attended the bishops study day this week in place of our usual weekly staff meeting and a thought-provoking and interesting experience it was although I found the breakout room experience to be quite hard work.  

The diocesan website has a page of resources from it so if you did not go you can get a hint at what you missed,

It is interesting, who does, and who does not engage with social media.

 Firstly TWITTER: 

 I love seeing Reader @JamesWonnacott James Wonacott’s bold posts on Twitter even though we largely disagree on many of them:) I probably prefer the posts from BOD – the  Franciscan Hermit @thecarceri which are invariably uplifting and certainly spiritually thought proving as well as an excellent resource for prayer. Is an example for those restless nights.

Other dedicated Tweeters (Twitterati?) include the archdeacon and Bishop Philip whose posts are always interesting. 

My twitter account is @Trewirgies 

On a spiritual direction course I was on the presenter glibly described Facebook as “Facade-Book!” and dismissed it with a flick of the hand. But in these times when folks have been kept apart and are often lonely, social media can be a blessing. Yes -there are certainly things wrong with it and perhaps we should be doing something about that but if you have not used it- don’t knock it…. it is someone’s lifeline. 

Facebook is a different beast and  interesting in a different way. The images in this article are collected from Twitter where these ‘memes’ proliferate.

One of the best things are the Group pages such as the Diocese of Truro Let’s Support Each Other discussion group where the great and the good from the staff at Church house to the Bishops and from Perran Gay on Scilly to folks on and over the English border. Well worth watching. 

I have a lot of contacts who are ex-students or their parents and it is wonderful to see how they are getting on. 

But safety is an issue and it is a good idea to use some common sense and use a good password, to hide your friends list and to be circumspect about what one posts.  

You can find me here justclick! 

"My hope to follow Julie......"

Bob’s Hymn of the Week this week is “O Jesus I have Promised”, a hymn which has particular memories for me of secondary school days especially that line in the last verse “my hope to follow duly….” 

Julie M. was in my class and all the 15 year old  boys behind her would chorus in that hymn…. “my hope to follow Julie….”  She would merely turn and and cast a disdainful and withering glance which silenced the choir. 

Imagine my delight when I was cast in Hobson’s Choice to play opposite Julie playing Maggie who I had to kiss on stage.  I was never the coolest of  lads at school, far from it…. but my street cred. rocketed the day after the first performance….   wherever they are now. Photograph at the bottom of this page!  It was nothing to do with that play (honestly!) that I left that school that year at the age of 15 to go to the local college-( the story of my being asked not to return after the Summer holiday is for another time:) ) but that was a sudden end to my friendships with any of that group so I think of all those lads who wanted to follow Julie where I went on, eventually,  to ‘follow duly in His strength alone….. ‘ and spare a thought and a prayer for Julie and the rest of that cohort 

Social Media Memes of thee week....

Mental Health and wellbeing in schools- a focus for prayer.

This week as a School Governor I attended a Webinar about Well-Being and Mental Health in Schools. Its a Government initiative – it being cheaper to send out a power-point presentation than to make sure there are enough mental health professionals available for schools to use. (Forgive my cynicism / realism) 

Although I learned little I did not already know it was certainly a salutary reminder about the stresses of working in Schools which have been amplified significantly by the Covid crisis.  It is an issue for staff and children.  The stress on staff this year is incredible – and it is enormous every year. here is a recent post from a teacher about her life – click here.

In Cornwall and other areas of deprivation (rural and urban poverty) the knock on effects to mental health in school are predictable.  If you did not see the Simon Reeve on Cornwall programme last week you can see it on BBC iPlayer  –

Imagine  how the effects of deprivation described in the programme impact on schools.  Children living in precarious housing and unstable family situations are at terrible risk of all sorts of abuse and schools are expected to be there to pick up the pieces.  Parents can quick to complain, the government is quick to unleash an inspection system designed to undermine confidence and few are there to praise and give thanks for the work they do. So no written  intercessions this week…..  my prayers will be focussed on school staff and vulnerable children and I encourage you to add yours.  

Miss Mole's class (2:1) at Harborne Hill School, Birmingham.

this was a couple of years before the Story- but I will  leave you to guess where I am in the picture and who Julie was.  Gold star for anyone who can guess both correctly. 

The Annual Quiet Day for Readers in December.

The quiet day at Epiphany house has been cancelled this year due to the problems of Covid. 

Would anyone like an online / ZOOM quiet day on Saturday December 12th? I would envisage beginning at 9:45 with time to chat, opening prayers at 10 and  a reflection followed by time for quiet or to have a one to one conversation. Further reflections and breaks to follow and finishing with prayers at 3:45. Let me know what you think.

Forthcoming Zoom for Readers

There is still time to join in the Bishop’s study day on Tuesday on Setting God’s People Free,  just click here and book a place. 

Don’t forget that Bishop Hugh will be in conversation with readers on Monday 23rd November at 6pm and Wednesday 25th at 10:30 a.m. More on that next week.


Live Streaming the Service.....

Remembrance is not just about the fallen...

I added some pictures and captions and turned the audio interview into a video – it includes some pictures he took whilst a prisoner of war. 

Remembrance_Day – a link to some more stories 🙂 


I was lucky enough to find a cassette tape of an interview my father did for the South Birmingham News paper for the Blind which he edited for many years after he retired from training teachers. In it he describes his experiences of being a prisoner of war following his capture while holding back the enemy forces while the evacuation of Dunkirk took place.  

My father spent from 1938 to 1946 serving in the Royal Cameron Highlanders, my mother, who gave up a career as an operatic dancer served in the WRAF as a radar operator….. and my Aunty Betty (a nurse) remained unmarried  for her long life time following the death of her beloved “Scotty” – an ANZAC who dies in WW1 – they are representative of millions who sacrificed much and we remember them as we commemorate the fallen on Remembrance day. 

Do have a look at Peter Coster’s thought-provoking reflections on Remembrance and the evening prayer readings for Sunday…… and….

Bob’s hymn of the day for Remembrance …. here!


What Do Readers need form the CMD programme -
and...... what Might they offer?

At last Monday morning’s Reader’s Zoom we were pleased to welcome Rebecca Evans the Diocesan Ministry Development Officer who listened patiently while we talked about what we needed for CMD / courses / training. 

Rebecca writes: 

We are currently planning our CMD programme within Truro diocese from January 2021 onwards.  You may be aware that currently we are delivering this training via Zoom and it is open to Clergy and Readers to attend.  We would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to deliver a session, perhaps if you have experience or expertise in a specific area you might like to be involved.  Details of our current programme are available here: you will notice along the top the various themed headings under which the different CMD topics fit.  If you would like to be involved or just find out a bit more please do get in touch –

 Kind regards  Rebecca



The Development and Support of Reader Ministry in Cornwall

The Readers committee meets once every six months and the readers in each deanery are represented by their Deanery Reader Stewards.  Some deaneries like St Austell have a very lively group of Readers who meet on a regular basis, other deaneries where they might only have a few readers, or a lot of readers on light duties do very little and the DRS is largely superfluous.  I posed a question asking if there was any place in modern reader ministry for the DRS considering that with electronic communication (ZOOM etc) one could operate across the diocese.

This led to a wider discussion and the steering committee that meets in December will speak more. Bishop Hugh writes: 

We agreed that we would look at this when we next meet, and this comes as we are also starting to think about the Everyday Faith agenda and how we best describe the specific calling and role of Readers. The next Wardens Group meeting is not until the 1 December and rather than just waiting until then, I think it would be good to do some preparatory work, so we get this work up and running and use that time well.

With that in mind, this email is a conversation starter about how we might best bring together the themes that we are identifying around Readers, including:

– The national CRC vision for Readers as ministers who encourage and equip the gathered church to live as the scattered church

– The very significant changes that the Church of England needs to engage with to engage with a post-Christendom world

– The specific challenges of Covid

– The changing needs of our Readers, including in their discipleship, support, training, role clarity and partnership with clergy

Any thoughts, reflections or ideas gratefully received.  

Monday Morning discussions will definitely contribute- it would be great to  hear a few more voices contributing to the debates. Jim

Just a draft at the moment!! 

I have had a ZOOM break this week though obviously not a break from the computer altogether. The last few months has been full on and as my wife will readily testify I have always found small talk and social situations something of a challenge. 🙂  Having said that I have counted the morning 9am daily ZOOM prayer a blessing and ZOOM Sunday services I have found surprisingly thought-provoking, moving and spirit-filled whereas the couple of  services I have attended in church have proved less efficacious because of the masks and odd situation. So I shall be back zooming at the weekend – hopefully at home relaying the service from St Andrews…… but if I have to be in church… well as all readers, I will do what’s needed. 

Last Saturday morning we had the six monthly meeting of the Readers committee with +Hugh in the chair. It is the committee when the Deanery Reader Stewards meet with the Warden, deputy warden, secretary, and assorted others including the chaplain.  We covered some interesting topics this time. More on the role of the DRS next week…. but at the bottom of this page more on the annual survey- including a better formatted version of the anonymised comments section. 


Results of the Annual Reader Survey 2020

2020Annual Return Report 2

Click the title to see the statistical side of the report. What conclusions would you draw?

More importantly, how do you think church policy should change in response to the report.?

2020 comments summary readers annual survey r2 – a link to the comments section which is really worth reading. 

Reader Graham Downes (St Austell DRS) asked if anything happened as a result of the survey. My answer was that it was certainly talked about a good deal in all sorts of situations Probably sorting out the plight of an individual has more tangible results than maters of policy or universal issues. However, clergy not understanding readers is hopefully being addressed in the long terms with Readers training alongside clergy these days. 

Saturday marks the first post licensing training event for those recently licensed which is being organised by reader Martin Adams with the rather grand title of Director of Post Licensing training. As chaplain I shall drop in towards the end of the day on ZOOM but I am leaving them to it for the fist sessions so that I can go to Trebah gardens for a socially distanced walk with the grandchildren.  


Last Sunday I preached…. at the Ecumenical ‘Café church’ service hosted by Camborne Wesley Methodist Church for the local Methodist circuit.  It was wonderful to see so many churches from both communities worshiping together for Bible Sunday and I was relieved to get some good feedback afterwards from a number of them. We readers pour a lot of ourselves and our energy into the services we do often without any comment at all and it is so refreshing when people say that it made them think, or that it helped. 

 With that thought in mind, I think it is important for us to comment and give feedback to other ministers, both lay and ordained (or even worship leaders !) and encourage! It is an important part of building the church. 

Social Distancing with the Grandchildren at Gwithian beach.

God, who for the world’s new framing
set his Son as corner-stone
Builds a temple, shining, gleaming,
with the men he calls his own!
Piran, Petrock, Paul Aurelian,
Euny, Samson, Winwalloe

All these Cornish shores are holy,
Here the Saints in prayer did dwell,
Raising font and altar lowly,
Preaching far with staff and bell.
Piran, Petrock, Paul Aurelian,
Euny, Samson, Winwalloe

Now the Church in fervour founded
Honours here those Saints of old,
Mighty they, their pow’r abounded-
God himself had made them bold!
Piran, Petrock, Paul Aurelian,
Euny, Samson, Winwalloe

Lord of Cornish Saints! Their story
cheers our faith and warms our heart,
Bids us tread the way of Glory,
to this age they truth impart
Piran, Petrock, Paul Aurelian,
Euny, Samson, Winwalloe

So may we, with Saints rejoicing,
won by grace from every land
Praises of our God still voicing,
round our Lord in brightness stand.
Piran, Petrock, Paul Aurelian,
Euny, Samson, Winwalloe

Words by The Rev Canon H Miles Brown
Tune: Westminster Abbey
by Henry Purcell (1658-1695

On Challenge and Common Sense….

Reading the news seems a minefield these days and when it is filtered by Social Media the possibilities for disastrous conclusions are amplified many times over. Only this morning, the Times reported that it had uncovered a Russian Fake News plot to discredit the Oxford Covid vaccine trials by spreading false rumours in the countries where it hoped to sell its own vaccine.

Each day friends of different political persuasions express opinions about  from how we deal with the current pandemic and the likely consequences to the efficacy of wearing a mask etc etc and many of them quote ‘scientists’ and other ‘experts’  to back up their often contradictory arguments. Without grinding any particular axe or position in the debate I would suggest that it is as well to remember that scientists and other experts are human too and just because science says something now does not mean that it will not be disproved in the future ….. or it might be confirmed. Take some of the following famous quotations from experts:

  • “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” — Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
  • “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.” — Lee DeForest, inventor
  • “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” —  M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927.
  • “It will be years — not in my time — before a woman will become Prime Minister.” — Margaret Thatcher, 1974.
  • “I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone.” — Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.
  • “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” — Albert Einstein, 1932
  • “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” — Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.
  • “Louis Pasteur’s theory of germs is ridiculous fiction.” — Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872.

Not only are people fallible, they are  also influenced by the world around them. A study on respiratory diseases by a tobacco company sponsored research project might lead us to be rightly sceptical of its findings, just as would a an environmental impact report by a Brazilian logging company.

My point? Let’s encourage people to question, to challenge and to use common sense. Arguing ourselves into a corner is not helpful and we need to be open to challenging ourselves and our own stances too. 

Is there a knock-on effect for preaching?

Licensing Service(s)


The Annual Service for the Readers (licensed Lay Ministers) of the diocese was very different this year being entirely online using ZOOM.  It proved to be a heart-warming and thought-provoking experience with much joyous chat both before and after the service.

Bishop Hugh led the service and licensed Roy Cooper from the Calllington Cluster and reaffirmed the licenses of those who had been able to attend the small service in the Cathedral the week before.

  • Debbie Crocker to the Tamar Valley Benefice
  • Matt Frost to the Benefice of St Germans and Sheviok
  • Penny Leach to the Roseland and St Mawes
  • Sandy Massie to St Keverne, St Ruan, St Grade and Landewednack and
  • Debbie Mitchell to All Saints Highertown and Baldhu.

Two Readers came into the diocese and were also part of the service

Chris Clark (PTO) and Michael Waring who is licensed to serve in Poughill & Killhamptonn with Morwenstowe as well as Stratton and LAucells.

Liz Lane, who was herself licensed as a Reader only last year preached the sermo and new Reader Roy Cooper led the intercessions.

It was also good to be able to thank the Readers who have served in the Diocese but whose services have been lost in the last twelve months. In the last year two Readers have died; Graham Hindle and Lesley Boyden  and a number of Readers are, through varying circumstances, no longer ministering 

  • Brenton Blandford,
  • Gloria Street,
  • Margaret DuPlessey,
  • Nina Batley,
  • Angela Hooper,
  • Molly Brown,
  • Tess Dean,
  • Miriam Jones,
  • Lyn Curnow,
  • Chris Kingshott and
  • Garth Wright.

Penzance.flyer.12.19 –  Link to an event in Penzance – Exploring mission, sharing ideas and finding support in Cornwall – A day with Sam Wells, +Hugh Nelson, Michelle Brown and guests.



The picture above is at the end of the service – the happy faces as Roy puts on his newly awarded Reader’s Scarf. (Roy is 2nd from the top on the far right! 

To the left is the video of the whole service. 

At about 12:30 I breathed a huge sigh o relief that the service had gone well, poured myself a beer and collapsed in the conservatory.  There were no major technical hitches, the internet, my wi-fi and my computer had all behaved themselves and the service seemed to have been well received with many cheery faces at the end. It is one of the delights of ZOOM that one can see faces rather than the back of people’s heads.

The next bit is the official ‘what happened and to whom’ section!

The Annual Service for the Readers (licensed Lay Ministers) of the diocese was very different this year being entirely online using ZOOM.  It proved to be a heart-warming and thought-provoking experience with much joyous chat both before and after the service.

Bishop Hugh led the service and licensed Roy Cooper from the Calllington Cluster and reaffirmed the licenses of those who had been able to attend the small service in the Cathedral the week before.

  • Debbie Crocker to the Tamar Valley Benefice
  • Matt Frost to the Benefice of St Germans and Sheviok
  • Penny Leach to the Roseland and St Mawes
  • Sandy Massie to St Keverne, St Ruan, St Grade and Landewednack and
  • Debbie Mitchell to All Saints Highertown and Baldhu.

Two Readers came into the diocese and were also part of the service

Chris Clark (PTO) and Michael Waring who is licensed to serve in Poughill & Killhamptonn with Morwenstowe as well as Stratton and LAucells.

Liz Lane, who was herself licensed as a Reader only last year preached the sermo and new Reader Roy Cooper led the intercessions.

It was also good to be able to thank the Readers who have served in the Diocese but whose services have been lost in the last twelve months. In the last year two Readers have died; Graham Hindle and Lesley Boyden  and a number of Readers are, through varying circumstances, no longer ministering 

  • Brenton Blandford,
  • Gloria Street,
  • Margaret DuPlessey,
  • Nina Batley,
  • Angela Hooper,
  • Molly Brown,
  • Tess Dean,
  • Miriam Jones,
  • Lyn Curnow,
  • Chris Kingshott and
  • Garth Wright.
The slides of the service can be found in PDF format at the following link. 

reader service 2020 PDF Slides


Liz Lane’s Sermon for Readers’ Service – 20th September and 10th October 2020 – St Neot and Zoom

 Romans 8:31-39 and Luke 12:22-34

 Lord, guide my lips, Lord open my heart, let written and spoken words reveal to us your Word.  In the name of our redeemer, teacher and friend, Jesus Christ.  Amen

 When I was first approached to preach this sermon, in Truro cathedral for the Readers’ Service, it was January.  Lots of ideas came into my head; I asked the class of 2019, all with strong opinions, for their thoughts on readings, and I had nearly made my mind up about what this sermon would be about.


Then…the world shifted on its axis, and I stopped thinking about a sermon to be preached in October and started worrying about shortages of flour and tinned tomatoes…


And when the first panic died down, we all began to find new ways to do stuff, new ways to be…I began to look around me and to think and what I saw was gaps.


Gaps between people. Great big six foot gaps.  On the street, in the shops, in our diaries (once full of things we had to do) and in families and between friends and neighbours.


And…in church.  For so many months I think we all of us had a gaping gap in our Sunday mornings – nowhere we had to be…And now we are here…but it is different.  No longer can we act as Anglicans are wont to do and all cluster towards the back – we have to distribute ourselves – carefully – minding the gaps.


If we were in the cathedral  –  there would be far fewer of us, and we would be far flung into the corners, chairs would be empty between us. Our bubbles would not bump against any other bubble, no gathering together in the undercroft, no processing.


And now I can see many many boxes, with smiling friendly faces shining out of them, but we are apart. Your bookshelves, your kitchen cupboards, your domestic backgrounds occupy more of the screen than most of you do.  There are gaps.


God of the gaps…I knew I’d heard that phrase somewhere, and it pinged into my brain like a text message somewhere around the middle of May.


I knew I’d heard it, but I’d no idea what it meant, so I turned to Google; most of you are much better theologians than me so you will be nodding sagely, but for the benefit of those who are as ignorant as me, the theology of the God of the gaps is not theology at all, but the idea that human beings use the idea of God to fill in where we don’t understand something, and as human knowledge increases, mankind no longer needs God, and faith is squeezed out.


But…look around us.  We are here both physically and virtually, with gaps between us, but we are not separated by them.  Churches may have been closed, we may not have been permitted to be together in the way we want to be, in our Christian communities, inn our groups of families and friends, but we are still here in the most important way, in the presence of God.


Separation.   One of the most painful elements of living with a pandemic during these long months has been separation, from family, from those in hospital, from loved ones in residential care.  We have not been able to be together in times of joy or in times of sorrow, but ..through it all we can hear the voice of St Paul:

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


So what have the gaps been full of?  Taking care of our neighbours with shopping and a friendly word, doing stuff for each other, appreciating the best of what we have (remember clapping for the NHS on a Thursday night) slowing down, noticing the birdsong and the changes of the seasons.  Realising that people can make a difference where politicians are slow to – a young footballer can make sure that children do not go hungry. 


And we are living differently; maybe rethinking and realising that the lengthy commute to work is not the way we want to live – sales of smart suits have plummeted, but the comfy elasticated waist….! Consider the lilies….


And we have had time to, and it has been a joy, and a healing, and a coming back to being able to live just a little bit closer to the way that we always knew we should, but had forgotten how.


And with churches closed, we found different ways of being church, by joining together online, by watching and listening via lots of different mediums, and the sales of Bibles have jumped by 143%!

The message of hope to be found in the Gospels has been grasped, and read, and downloaded, and listened to, and taken to heart by those who have never found true nourishment from Sunday morning worship.


So maybe the gaps between us are nothing new, but it has taken a worldwide crisis to make us really see them.  And to get a glimpse of what God is doing in the spaces between us, and to begin to join in.


Faith begins when we realise we need salvation – this is what the gaps have shown us.


So…holding in our hearts the bereaved and the broken, and trusting that God will continue to show us the work we have to do, we will go on in faith and with faith.  And it will be different, and sometimes that will grieve us.  Mind the gap…bring to mind that the gaps are not an absence, a loss, or a lack of understanding  –   but are filled with the presence of God.


“So….. Jim….. you have done a lot on getting church services online…. we are thinking of trying it… can you give any advice?”

“Er……. yes…. well I’ll get back to you!”

The main thing about this venture is that it’smainly about experiment, patience and good humour…. what can go wrong will go wrong but the benefits far outweigh the potential mishaps. By far the best part of ZOOMing, live facebook and YouTube has been the love and friendship shown by those we are trying to reach who put up with the odd disasters and give much encouragement….. it’s the best of Christian church folk. 

the pictures are a bit of the collection of cables and gadgets which we tried…..

last Sunday Caspar and I were sure we had it covered with a hard wire link into the church broadband and a long cable…. it was dreadful….. what can go wrong will go wrong. Keep smiling.

So after reading that you still want to know about how to get your services on line- or at least to reach the congregation that traditional forms of church building services cannot reach......... read on.

In this little article I am going to look at the following things:

  • Zoom (and whether to zoom from home or from church)
  • Using FaceBook
  • Using YouTube
  • Equipment you might need and something about costs.

If you have a mobile phone with a 4G wi-fi connection and a reasonable amount of data on your contract- the simplest method is to use Facebook or YouTube point your camera at the church action broadcasting to those folks who can find the links. Alternatively you can record the service using a smart phone and then post it online on Facebook or YouTube…..  and once on YouTube you can send links to it by email or include it on your website much as I do every week with the hymns from Bob’s hymn of the week. 

What you do not get with either of the above is interaction. Viewers, for that is what they are, rather than congregation members, have the feeling they are looking in at what is happening without actually feeling part of the action. 

That is where ZOOM comes in! Our Morning Prayer Congregation which on most days is about a dozen faithful souls has been a joyous revelation but church buildings do not usually figure in the proceedings as it is nearly always folks logging in from home and led by a different member of the ministry team each day, usually from home.  The advantages of a comfortable chair, a hot drink, warm surroundings , no travel and no social distancing issues make it an attractive service! But….. how do you do it?

There is much written on ZOOM elsewhere so I wont go into detail but all you need is a compatible computer, laptop, tablet or phone and a ZOOM account. The host creates a link and lets everyone have access to it… you log on and worship / pray  and in our morning prayer….. laugh.  We could just read the morning prayer service but all of our team have at least a laptop so we usually have a PowerPoint or other office programme with the words we want to use to share on the screen. The advantage to that is that you can give things to do to volunteers. Mary, a regular at morning prayer had never read a lesson in Church before Lockdown but reads regularly in our ZOOM worship and when the church service resumed…. she read. Mary said without the morning prayer she would not have done it. 

Zooming a powerpoint with  video takes up a lot if computer resources so we have discovered that it is much better in places where there is fibre broadband and where equipment is not too old or too basic. (there are tablets which need operating system updates to run ZOOM…. where the manufacturers have stopped supporting them!! )



stuff you might need and how to link it up

A service from St Stephens Treleigh 

For this Service Curate Graham, and Rector Caspar were at St Stephens Treleigh.

Caspar has a little box that allows a wifi connection to his phone’s 4g signal.  For this service Grham had a linked laptop with the ZOOM window on it and there was a mobile hone linked….. picturing what else was happening in church. Meanwhile I was at home running the service PowerPoint.  About half way through we lost the signal from the church and I had to fill in…. realising that actually it would be helpful if ALL the service words were on the PowerPoint. Luckily the connection was restored in time for most of the sermon. You can see what happened on the link below which is incorrectly titled Harvest at St Andrews! 

The link on the right is a different setup for Lanner Church. Fr Peter, describes it well in his opening welcome- although he describes himself as Fr. Plank when it comes to technology!

More below!

For the Lanner service (above right) Caspar was at home operating the PowerPoint. The church was connected to the internet by a 100 metre ethernet cable that was plugged into a neighbour’s home hub.  Fr Peter is looking at a laptop with ZOOM on it and it is also being seen on a screen and projector by the congregation.  When the music plays the congregation heard something played locally. It seemed to have worked quite well….. probably because that was my week off. 

This service from St Andrews used Caspar’s hub. Connected to it were the laptop in front of the altar and my laptop which was projecting the zoom service and powerpoint to the big screen in church.  It worked pretty well that day except for my problems with the hymns….. which played well for the zoom congregation but had some problems with the speakers we were using in church. 

This last video is ZOOM from home for people at home which is the easiest thing to run if you want interaction from folks at home.  The service went down very well with those who attended. 

To sum it all up:

Although you can broadcast a live service from Church using a smartphone it is not ideal… if you saw the ordinations from the Cathedral you can see the problems with sound. #

Ideally, the church needs a fibre broadband link and a hub that equipment can plug into. Our St Andrews ordinary broadband has very slow upload speed which makes for problems if we do too much from church- but it receives ok.

There will be more added here as I think of it…. and I will put questions and answers here too.

St Martin-in-Meneage Mattins 11.10.20


My text today is taken from John 14, Chapter 1: Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. These words occur between the Last Supper and Gethsemane when Jesus is giving his final teaching to the disciples. He knows that the hour of his Passion has arrived but Peter won’t accept this. Jesus is saying ‘Let me do what is needful now. I do this for my Father in heaven and for the whole world. You don’t understand yet, Peter, but you will. It is only I that can do this work. So please, ‘Do not let your heart be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.


The period since March, when this pandemic first affected us, has been a time when many of us have felt troubled and sometimes afraid. The risks of catching Covid 19 are very different for different people, as we know. Some of us now have to live with the rather ominous label of being ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ in pandemic times and are still having to be very cautious. This in spite of the fact that others seem to have returned something like ‘normal life’, at least until the recent upsurge in infection Covid rates. Most people have been meeting with friends and family, going shopping, enjoying a meal out or a drink in the pub, or even going on holiday.


As is now being recognised, this is causing conflict and division in our communities and in wider society. And even between us Christians in the Church of England. Some people feel able to return to a gathering in church like this, whilst others think the risks are too high, especially when Covid cases are once again on the increase. It is just a fact that the risks are not the same for every person, so there is no cut and dried advice that can satisfy every member of society. This is a situation which we simply cannot completely control – which upsets all our apple carts and threatens our fantasies of human power and freedom.


Psychologically, and spiritually, this seems to affect us in three main ways:

  • I might turn inward, become worried, anxious, depressed. (GP diagnoses of depression have increased threefold during the pandemic period so far.) This can mean that I forget that God is with me. My heart is It’s hard to believe that God still loves this broken world. I have had times like this. Like when I got the dreaded letter telling me that I should ‘shield myself’ for three months; and when someone we knew died after catching the virus; or when Bob and I were trying to decide if it was safe enough for us to return to church on Sundays; and now when things look set to get worse again over the winter.
  • Another response is to turn my fears outwards and blame other people. It’s they who are responsible for spreading the virus, those university students or all those people out enjoying themselves on a Saturday night in the middle of a global pandemic. Or it’s the government’s fault for not managing our health services properly.
  • The third response is something like denial. I’m just going to carry on as though nothing was the matter; I will not let my personal freedom be restricted, just because of a bit of scaremongering. And of course Scripture tells us over and over ‘Do not be afraid’. So perhaps, if I am a real Christian, I should not be afraid of this virus. I should trust in God to protect me, even when the doctors warn that I would be very unlikely to survive a Covid attack. Even some clergy in our own church of England have highlighted the pressure they feel under to conduct services and do pastoral work, even when they are themselves ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’.


So how are we to respond to those words from John’s Gospel,

Do not let your heart be troubled’?

Well, one thing I’ve found helpful is to restrict the amount of TV and radio news I listen to! I believe we are just not cut out for this constant diet of ‘gloom and doom’.


Even so, I did catch the government’s recent Covid safety slogan ‘Space – Face – Hands’. When I first heard it, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, I felt glad that this sensible advice was being spelt out clearly, so we can all try to take care of each other. On the other hand, it did stir up rather depressing feelings about our ‘new normal’ world and I can quite see why less vulnerable people find it hard to accept. Children have to go back to school, people have to be able to earn a living, we need to spend time with our families and friends. We can’t flourish as human beings without all these things that make life worth living .


So how could I try and draw something positive and uplifting out of this slogan ‘Space – Face – Hands’, and respond to Jesus’s message ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled’?

This is what I came up with:


First ‘space: Let’s create a special space in our lives where we can be with God each day.


It might be a physical space – a prayer corner or a special chair in our home; out in the garden or on a favourite local walk…even in the car, like a lady I know, who listens to hymns while she’s driving…

Or you can make a space by finding a special time of day when it suits you to pause with God – in the morning, having your first cuppa and thinking over the day to come; a little break in your busy day; a bit of time before sleep just to check in with Jesus…


Or there’s that space you keep in your heart, that place you can return to at odd times and remember that God loves you and wants the very best for all of us…


Next we come to ‘face: Jesus is the face of God. He shows us what God is like and how much God loves us. So you might want to have something to remind you of the face of Jesus.


This might be something visual, an image (like the postcard of the Blessing Redeemer in my prayer book) …


Maybe something tangible  can remind you – something like a pebble in your pocket, or a conker or an acorn. Julian of Norwich held a hazelnut in the palm of her hand. She said that it reminded her that ‘It lasts and ever shall because God loves it. And all things have being through the love of God.’ …


Or perhaps a favourite Gospel story can bring Jesus’s face to mind – when Mary meets the Easter gardener and then recognises the face of her risen Lord…or Peter out fishing who sees a man on the shore and just knows straightaway by the cut of him that it is Jesus…



Lastly, our ‘hands’ are important not just for Covid hygiene but are expressive of our relationship with God. Putting our hands together in prayer can really help our own hearts to be less troubled, as well as bringing comfort to the people we pray for.


So whatever happens, may we look after each other and behave wisely and considerately towards our neighbours during these difficult times.

But as well as this, let’s remember it’s not all down to us.

As Jesus says, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.


Patti Owens        St Martin in Meneage Church      11th October 2020