Chaplain to the Readers in training- Vacancy!
I have been very grateful to Reader Margaret Sylvester-Thorne over the past two years for easing my chaplaincy role by taking on the Readers in Training. Margaret has now decided that it is time to pass the baton and so we have a vacancy! It is never easy finding people to fulfil these roles and we do want a Reader from this side of the border taking it on so I have prepared a job advert.
We have a vacancy for Chaplain to the Readers in Training and would like Readers to consider whether they might be called to this ministry.
The Chaplain would be expected to attend the seven residential weekends in Plymouth each year, normally Friday 4 pm to Saturday 5pm.
- Be alongside students in lectures
- Be available to talk to students about issues raised in lectures that might impact on their faith
- Support students in prayer through their training.
- Attendance at some staff meetings.
The chaplain might also be involved in some of the formation evenings at the Old Cathedral School in Truro or online. They might also want to be involved in the Post Licensing Training year too.
There is of course no pay for any Reader Chaplaincy work but expenses may be claimed where needed.
Please do consider whether you are called to this fulfilling and important role and if interested speak to me or Jane Kneebone (Director of Training)
Many thanks – Jim.