Chaplain’s Blog for Christian Unity

Chaplain’s Blog for Christian Unity


As I led Zoom morning prayer this morning which marked the first day of the week for Christian Unity I was rather struck by the 1 Corinthians 5 reading set by the lectionary for the day that called for Christians not to associate with the greedy, the idolaters, the sexually immoral, the drunkards or the robbers and to drive out the wicked.

My first thought was that that requires a lot of judgement of just who those folk might be and how we might actually think about ourselves.

How can we hope for Christian Unity if we can’t actually get on with our neighbours who might be struggling with addiction, poverty or some other difficult situation that labels them for being ‘driven out?’

As for the greedy, we look at the richest in society who have far more than they could ever need, who can afford day trips to space, huge yachts, vast mansions and own social media platforms that perpetrate their views or stir up the sort of unrest that keeps them in power… should we stop talking to them in the hope that they might actually turn to altruism and do some work for God? Perhaps building hospitals, battling the effects of climate change, researching cures for cancer… the list is endless!

So Christian Unity. We have a simple common purpose I think…. I wonder what creed would have to be constructed to that could be agreed upon by all Christians? Now there is a challenge.

Here are a few of my favourite illustrations….

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off.  So I ran over and said “Stop, don’t do it!”

 “Why shouldn’t I?” he said.

 I said, “Well, there’s so much to live for!” 

He said “Like what?” 

I said “Well…are you religious or atheist?” 

He said “Religious.” 

 said “Me too! Are you Christian or Bhuddist?” 

He said “Christian.” I said “Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?” 

He said “Protestant.” I said “Me too! Are you Episcopalian or baptist?” 

He said “Baptist!” I said “Wow! Me too! Are you baptist church of God or baptist church of the lord?”  

He said “Baptist church of God!” I said “Me too! Are you original baptist church of God or reformed bapist church of God?” 

He said “Reformed baptist church of God!” 

I said “Me too! Are you reformed baptist church of God, reformation of 1879, or reformed baptist church of God, reformation of 1915?”  

He said, “Reformed baptist church of God, reformation of 1915!” 

I said “Die heretic scum,” and pushed him off.

Emo Philips

All Purpose Late 20th Century Creed – Simon Rae

I believe in my beliefs.

it’s my belief that my beliefs

Are truer far than your beliefs,

And I believe that your beliefs

Are threatening to my beliefs,

So I’m defending my beliefs

And all who hold the same beliefs

Against your dangerous beliefs

And who share your false beliefs

Or what I think are your beliefs.

And I will die for my beliefs;

And you will die for my beliefs.

And what, In fact, are my beliefs

Beyond the complicating reefs

Of tedious theology

And acid Ideology?

The usual: a divine Creator

Whose love rings earth like the Equator,

Justice and the Rule of Law

(And giving hand-outs to the poor);

Respect, of course, for Mother Nature’s Care for every living creature;

And that in the pursuit of Peace

All wars (excepting mine) should cease.

The Tablet and the Church Times call for Catholics and Anglicans to do everything together except those things that must still be done separately.

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