This Blog is mined rather from the depths – Good Friday, always sombre, always a time for soul searching seems the culmination of many days of just that- of concern, frustration, uselessness, worry, grief and all manner of understandable emotions. Amongst the anguish of the suffering of those on the front line of the virus issues whether patient or carer, politician or bureaucrat policeman or shop worker we look for sense and for positives as we clap the NHS meet on ZOOM and attempt to prepare stuff for others they might find useful.
The pictures of rainbows have sprung up all over the place and I note these fall into two camps; rainbows of hope and support and rainbows of threat (e.g. if you can see this rainbow you should not be out- F@@! off home – the latter trend is rather sad although understandable as fear takes over. As Christians we always have hope – we have to have hope even in the depths of desolation of Good Friday.
A little light relief in the next column….. my granddaughter suffering the effects of lock-down and missing the rest of the family set us all a challenge to recreate a work of art- the pictures are our attempts- you will have to guess which one is me! Life has to go on.
I am very grateful to Roy for his Sunday Scribblings which are now posted as PDF files to make them easier to read and to Tony for his Way of the Cross presentations available as a PowerPoint or a PDF file.
Last Monday some of us had an experimental Chaplains Coffee and Conversation on Zoom which I plan to have as an open session for the coming weeks. I will put the link invitation in an email rather than on this page fr obvious reasons. Please feel fee to drop in and say hello…. meet a few readers and possibly arrange your own conversations away from the crowd.
I have been starting each day at first light with a long solitary work – often accompanied by David Suchet reading the NIV Bible – which has been useful though concentrating on rough paths and listening to Romans is interesting to say the least.
Final thought – if you happen to listen to Radio Cornwall and you do so on Sunday afternoon at about half past three you may just hear my dulcet tones as I cat and possibly sing!