We're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one.... oh no, it's a lockdown, a big lonely lockdown, but we're not scared. We can't go over it, we cant go under it.... we'll just have to go through it..... wash wash wash, mask mask mask, step away! (apologies to Michael Rosen)
So another ‘lockdown’ was inevitable but at least over the last 43 weeks we have learned strategies for coping / dealing with and making use of the opportunities provided.
I would love to rant at this point about government polcy and decision making beginning with why on earth did they send the schools back for one day to get infected? But I am not going to…. It won’t help and just makes me irritable.
So lockdown week 43 phase four-ish means no visitors, no visiting and no coffee stop on my walks with my son-in-law- who has been working from home, is about half way round and makes particularly good coffee….. and the conversation away from a computer screen WAS very welcome.
I could almost get really depressed about it but there is too much to do and I have so much to be thankful for so there are projects!!
In no order because I will grasshopper between them as is my wont.
- build up the long walks after the Christmas feasting has added to my girth – I am really looking forward to lighter mornings.
- Rebuilding my desk top computer. This has meant much watching of YouTube videos, scouring reviews and browsing of amazon…. Not to mention consulting an ex-pupil who I can proudly say knows vastly more than I do. Now this might not excite most people but for me it gets the little grey cells working in a different way and frees up other buts of the brain for rest and recuperation. It has a practical implication in hopefully making ZOOMING services, chopping video clips and so on a rather less ponderous process.
- I really want to record memories of school days and college but not as a memoir…. More as a fiction of the various characters based on fact. One must not let too much fact get in the way of a good story…. Someone once said.
- Reading: I have a stack of books to read….. This task might prove difficult… I get too easily distracted! Currently I am reading “The Wanderer’s Club, ’ ‘Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes!’ and a book by Michael Curry that Rector Caspar gave to each of the Redruth ministry team at Christmas.
Well with that lot, ministry in the Redruth Team, Chaplaincy conversations, the odd meeting, the very odd meeting and so on time will flash by and suddenly all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well. (to quote mother Julian of Norwich)
Next Tuesday spare me a thought at mid-day. I have volunteered to take part in an AstraZeneca trial for the Corvid anti-body treatment which seems to involve giving a lot of samples of differing types and being poked with a needle or three and then follow up phone calls and appointments. But…. if it helps other people suffering with this wretched virus., or prevents a few folk from getting it then I am game!
Finally a thought on vacuuming!
Vacuuming in lockdown is a disappointment.
It normally heralds visitors, folks coming to dinner or for a party but not this time.
Nor is there the clicketty-clacketty as the machine attempts to digest the grandchildren’s’ left over Lego.
We have no dog and thoughts of getting a new one are on hold….. the vacuum no longer smells of wet dog and there are no tumble-weed balls of dog hair to chase around the carpet.
The vacuuming promises much, reminds us of what used to be and delivers little except for the thought that it will have to be done again soon.
No wonder I am allowed to do it
thank you for vacuuming time,
that I am healthy enough to do it as I pray for those who breath is in short supply.
Thank you for the noise that reminds me of the grandchildren and of better times, of visitors, shared meals and a house ringing with music and laughter.
Thank you for the reminders of the smell of wet dog hair of the deep joy that our dogs brought us in the years of wagging tails.
Lord, I ask for healing for all those whose health is too fragile to push the vacuum….. and to think the thoughts the vacuum can inspire.