In the Blog this week reflections on:
- The Reader Selection Day last week
- Living in Love and Faith Session 2
- For I went to the stall where they sold sweet lavender (“Only a penny for a bunch of lavender!”).
- The joys of being an ex-teacher
My dear wife, Lez, holding a box of lavender plants sent to us by Rocket Gardens by an ex-pupil, Paige who had heard of Lez’s awful service from Suttons seeds who had sent the order so late and so badly packaged that nearly all of the plants were dead and not fit for purpose. If you click Lez’s picture it will take you to Rocket Garden’s very impressive online shop based near Helston. We shall be using them in future – so this is a free plug!!
The Suttons Seeds offering

In the last 12 months an ex-student has helped me to rebuild my computer to make it fit for ZOOM and editing video, anther had recued the gardener and others have sent lots of cheery messages and news….. still others I have seen as teachers and health service workers doing such a brilliant job in times of great stress. I count myself very lucky, and just a tad proud, to have known them and to have ben part of their education for a couple of years.
Jane LePage has asked if I will publish the Tear Fund Link…. Click HERE and add the work of Tear Fund to Your Prayers
If you have not watched the Simon Reeves programmes on Cornwall yet- you can still find them here… BBC Two – Cornwall with Simon Reeve

Last Saturday 6 men and women presented themselves on ZOOM at the selection day to train as Readers beginning in September.
We congratulate 4 of them on being selected and I ask your prayers for them as they face the hard work of studies over the next two or three years. Please also keep in your prayers those who were not selected and are still searching for what they are being called to by God.
Presenting yourself to have your vocation, the task you think you may be called for, examined so closely calls for bravery, honesty, faith and trust and it is a huge privilege to be on the panel that listens to their personal stories and their answers to some really deep and stretching questions.
Each of the six was asked to tell a story suitable for all age worship to the other members of the Wardens Advisory Committee and the others hoping for selection and then have an hour long in-depth interview as well as lunch with the rest of the Wardens committee on Zoom. Thank you to all of them.

Last Wednesday I led the second Living in Love and Faith Course on ZOOM for a Redruth Benefice group. Session two produced some wonderful in-depth discussion and sharing of quite diverse ideas and feelings. The course video was a step up from the first one and really is well worth doing. Do consider offering the course in your area… it is a great one for Readers to Lead!
This morning, Saturday 19th June I am at the first of two sessions (10 till 1) before going on the National List of Vocations Mentors. More on this next time as I am typing this in the coffee break! But so far what an enthusiastic bunch of people!
The Reader Journey draft diagram…. Reader journey diagram v1