The New Year was ushered in relatively quietly: the grandchildren were taken home by 10 pm after an evening of Mahjong and other board games and I nursed my cough through till midnight and the usual well wishing by text. There was a certain relief at being in bed within the first hour of 2020 and a certain smugness in reminding myself that I had never broken the resolution I made back in 1967 – that I would never again make a new year resolution. This year I kept it again.
If there is something one needs to resolve to do its not worth waiting till New Year- begin today….. if you fail then have another crack tomorrow but don’t wait a whole year.
I have posted a couple of eulogies from the Redruth Parish Magazine from 2010 remembering a couple of Readers, Arthur Skewes and John Brown both of whom had an impact in one way or another on my ministry. I wondered if we should have a section of the website for Readers Remembered and include contributions from around the diocese. Let me know what you think….. better still – send some articles.
Epiphany Sunday with granddaughter Ellie and the chess board.