Having recovered from the stresses of the hybrid ZOOM from St Andrews, last week was back at home for a gentle ZOOM communion having abandoned St Euny as a ZOOM venue even with Bishop Hugh there!
This Sunday is another experiment. The Rector, (Caspar) will be with the curate (Graham) leading the service from St Stephen’s Treleigh. There will be a laptop in front of the Altar broadcasting all the spoken word, Caspar will be monitoring on another laptop which will also pick up a different view of the church and a portable loudspeaker will be attached for hymns. Meanwhile, I shall be at home with the ZOOM service, complete with hymns on a PowerPoint broadcasting to the folks at home and playing the hymns for those at home and those in church. Or at least, that is the plan.
My desk set up for Sunday Service- weekday Morning prayer is rather simpler. I once joined in from my mobile phone on the top of Carn Brea…… I listened as I walked. The only problem was that the microphone unmuted in my pocket and all me cheery good-mornings were broadcast to the group until I realised and because it was my ZOOM account no-one could turn me off! oooops. I have not tried that again.
The ZOOM services are worth working at and trying new things as I think they will be with us for the foreseeable future. While there are folk who cannot get to church but are able to get online there will always be a need. The future has to be breadth of provision and a move away from a narrow one service fits all diet.