Yesterday I had the sad news that Lesley Margetts who became a Reader in 1983 and served in the Saltash Team had died following her long struggle with illness in Derriford Hospital with her husband Richard and two sons at her bedside. Lesley was a wonderful example to us all, managing throughout the last few years to continue teaching Yoga, preaching and leading worship and even joining us for some Monday Morning Readers Chats online. She was Carrie’s predecessor as secretary to the Readers and so has an important place in the history of the Readers in the Diocese of Truro. Her wisdom, kindness and insight will be sadly missed. My prayers are very much with Richard and the boys as they prepare for times ahead.
So sorry to receive your email saying Lesley had died. I was last in touch with her in October when she was having more chemotherapy, always tough. She was an example to us, all I admired her fortitude and positive attitude – and she did such a good job as secretary to the Readers. Please convey our thanks for her life, well-lived and our sympathy to her family. Thank you.
Love Joy