Dear Readers and exalted others……
Some more posts will follow shortly with reflections from others on Reader Day and things going on around the Deaneries involving Readers- but in the Spirit of not giving you too much all at once………
In coming days as Chaplain I am seeing two people discerning the path to Reader Ministry, Leading a C5 course near Callington, going to Sennen to do a small C3 safeguarding course so that a Reader can take up his PTO license once more, seeing a student on the Reader Training Course about their reflective journal and hosting coffee and conversation with the Chaplain tomorrow morning (Monday 14th) at the Penventon Hotel in Redruth between 10 and noon for any Readers or supportive others to come and join our in depth discussions!
The Reader’s Service seemed to go well this year but I am always aware that we can improve things. So in the spirit of the old primary school teacher in me I wonder if you would do a little evaluation of you went this year. I would suggest two stars and a wish – in other words mention a couple of things you thought were really good and something that might have made it better. Do several trios of comments if you like! 🙂
Chris Kingshott who was chaplain before me and now plying his Reader Ministry and the Penlee cluster has written a novel!! It is not yet published anywhere so if you would like to read it- it is going to be serialrised here! Click for Chapter One! And about the author.
The Quiet Day
This year on Saturday December 7th, the quiet day has been proving both a popular and necessary Advent experience! Please see the article for booking details.
Funeral Thoughts – There’s a page for responses to this HERE!
In response to my post about my first Funeral Service, Reader Wendy Earl had a few thoughts that might begin a discussion, she writes,
With regard to your visit to the crem you will now know the huge amounts of energy needed. Personally being very ‘green’ I keep asking for some Woodland burial sites in Cornwall. I understand Penmount are now offering ‘green’ but up country there are some beautiful, rural sites and barns converted to chapels as well as offering facilities for wakes…(good diversification for farmers!) and shouldn’t tree planting be top of all our agendas?! It would be good to get folk talking about this.