Every morning from about 8:40 the faithful gather for Morning Prayer in the Redruth Team from Monday to Saturday. The link is in the email if you want to drop in and join us.
Every day is different with a different member of the team leading and often with a completely different liturgy. It might be Common worship but we have also used materials from Lindisfarne, Iona, the Methodists and various books we have in our collective libraries. Today we had a liturgy for Lamas Day from Celtic Worship and as each person signed in they were assigned a reader number to join in.
The group is rarely less than nine and never more than a screenful but it has been an anchor point for each day and a great joy- mainly because by 9am and the start of the service everyone is smiling or laughing together and I am quite sure that God is laughing with us.
Last week the pre MP conversation was around our first jobs (we prayed for folks in the first jobs 0or seeking them later) and Mary told us all about her first job as clerical staff in a bone yard, Sue told us about her job working for her father in the butcher’s shop and my tales were of sitting with a group of women for a week in a box factory where I had to look at boxes full of boxes checking for printing errors while listening to tales of the menopause or anything else they thought might make a 16 year old lad uncomfortable. These shared memories and conversations are as important as the service itself in many ways and makes the effort to conquer the technical problems and operation of zoom worthwhile.
Reader colleagues- don’t assume your older congregation members will not use technology – some will and will spread the word- give it a go especially if your opportunities for ministry are a bit thin on the ground at the moment.

Find the relevance of the picture of my grandson Patrick in Fr Peter Fellowes’ Newsletter here…. https://redruthchurch.org.uk/fr-peter-together-newsletter-2nd-august/