The cartoon is from Bob for all of us who zoom regularly or might be felling zoomed out. 

Not much is the way of a blog this week because I am preaching tomorrow  and it has taken rather more thinking than usual to prepare – I got rather involved in looking for useful images to base it around to pep up the ZOOM presentation. The Rector, Caspar, an ex farmer had a picture of himself standing in a field of a crop he had grown himself amongst other things – but me in a classroom sorting the wheat from the weeds was not a suitable notion.  

There were children in my top junior classes who were really clever, some who were a bit naughty, some who were instantly likeable and some who did their best to be a thorn in my side but never  once did I divide them into wheat and weeds, good seeds and bad.  All of them had something positive to offer and those who struggled, struggled with good reason from parents with drug problems, to bereavement and abuse. In my 25 classes of children there were was not one child I thought might  be a seed planted by the enemy.  There were plenty of times, however, when I felt that the children had something of the devil causing lapses in behaviour. Bad behaviour does not equal a bad child. Thankfully God does not think about us like that either…… 

But tomorrow’s sermon does not talk about teaching, well it does not at the moment. but it does have Banksy, statues and dandelion clocks. 

Link  to the service on YouTube in case you want to hear the sermon 🙂 


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On Wednesday afternoon I attended the first ZOOM train the trainers session of the new online ZOOm C2 safeguarding leadership course…… the second part is this week. It is interesting and I suspect will cause some deep debate and strong feelings one way or the other. 

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 Monday’s Solomon’s Portico….. where the Readers meet was as interesting as always and covered a real range of issues from the most boring jobs we had ever had, through  stories of life at sea to lay vs ordained ministry and the future of church in a post Covid world. 

 This week Kathy has something for us about Episcopal Consecration to discuss – see the post below this one. 

I did wonder whether any Readers who can’t make Monday mornings would like an evening meeting…. just let me know a good night if you do. 

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Prayers:  There are a number of Readers who need our prayers at the moment- let me know if you would like the list or if you know of anyone who should be on it. 

Blessings and best wishes



Some prayers for tomorrow and the week ahead: 

The Costa Blanca Anglican Community always provides thoughtful prayers each week:

Sunday 19th July 2020, 6th Sunday after Trinity

Generous God,
you have created such a beautiful world,
fruitful and bountiful beyond our needs –
and yet we sow it with the weeds of selfishness and greed,
and spoil it for one another.
Strengthen those who strive
for fairness and justice, care and love
to be hallmarks of our shared life;
especially those who work
for the wellbeing and flourishing
of our children.
Bless The Children’s Society
in all their work to end hunger, poverty and distress in families,
especially as the school summer holidays approach;
may they encourage and enable all our young people
to be nurtured, cherished and fulfilled,
in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Some Points to Ponder


Arch+ Welby’s statement:

Statement by two Chichester Bishops: my post in D of T support FB Group:

I watched the consecration of Bishops Hugh and Ruth with great joy this morning, but was still puzzled as to why two consecrations were needed. As a contemporary and friend of some of the earliest female ordinands, I should have remembered… but I thought it might help to clarify some of the stories going around, and to minimise the wider damage, if I posted this link from another friend who is a priest in the Chichester Diocese. Some will say these divisions are better hidden: but how can they ever be healed if we don’t talk about them?  

Dear Fellow Readers (Licensed Lay Ministers) and highly esteemed others

Reminder:  if you don’t want this semi-regular epistle please do reply and let me know and I will take you off the list. (It does happen occasionally)

In this week’s blog:

This week the Chaplain’s Blog (Stardate 12.07.2020) has a new page!  “Hymn of the Week” by Bob Owens who starts with a hymn topical for Sea Sunday!

Roy’s Sunday Scribblings still have me riveted to the anecdotes of Roy’s sailor. This week  you really get the feel of a rolling ship, the immense heat of an engine room…. And what happens when someone cuts corners……

I was reminded of the phrase ‘Liminal Space’ by someone  this week – some thoughts about that in relation to ‘church’ and ministry  at the moment.

Liminal space is the time between what was before and what happens next and it’s a precious resting point where prayer and contemplation will help and guide us.

Richard Rohr says of liminal space, “Get there often and stay as long as you can by whatever means possible…This is the sacred space where the old world is able to fall apart, and a bigger world is revealed. “

At the moment our church life is in some ways in liminal space, what we have known before stopped and we are wondering if it will come back in the way it was or indeed whether it should come back the way it was.

There are new technologies and ways of doing things at play. Even where services are gradually coming back into our buildings  they are not the same; the handshakes and hugs are missing, the consoling arm at the funeral, even the smiles have gone in places where masks are advisable.  Our churches are alongside many other organisations religious and secular, voluntary and business that are going through financial crisis putting other pressured on our return to ‘normalcy’

I have heard a lot lately from various sources about people being fearful to come back to church (or to resume shopping in town) but I think its really the wrong word and the wrong way of looking at things. If those staying away are fearful it intimates that those going to church (in vulnerable categories) are being brave which is a bit silly!  I would like to think that what folks are actually doing is risk-assessing their own situation and deciding whether the risk of going to an enclosed space with other people in a time of pandemic is worth the benefits of what they would find currently in church building based services. 

Morning prayer each day in the Redruth benefice has a dozen people each day and the Sunday Zoom service a couple of Zoom screens full , so its popularity as fellowship, worship and prayer will cause a hole if it were to stop. 

A couple of the regulars at morning prayer this morning were asked if they would attend the same service in church at 9  am and the answer unsurprisingly was not really- but they would miss the Zoom service that they can join from their arm chair.

So perhaps we should be using our ‘liminal space’ to reassess what we need, what we do and what is truly important.  For me it is more important, at the moment, to meet Christ in the Zoom room faces, the laughter before the service and the fellowship rather than in receiving communion in one kind in church while I ponder on who is or who might not be taking adequate precautions against transmitting covid 19.

For many of us in ministry have found our lives have changed considerably if we have underlying health issues or if we are over 70  and some of us are wondering what’s next? Do we get back to our funerals and services of the word, our study groups and our home communions or is there something else as well. I have missed my story-telling in schools and I can’t see when that might safely happen again. Picking up the grandchildren from school and helping with homework etc has also gone for a burton and might also be fraught with problems once the children go back to school in September. 

So my prayers are for those ministers who have not yet filled the gap, who are waiting for everything to  go back the way it was and for those who think it will never go back to the way it was and don’t know if ministry in the future holds a place for them.  Lord, sew some seeds of ideas in their hearts and nourish their ministry till it grows and fruits and they are able to bring back a harvest for you. Amen


I would imagine that anyone who has actually read my meanderings will be aware of the Centre for Action and Contemplation and the daily Meditations from Richard Rohr. If by any chance you are not you might like to start with last Thursday’s about Wisdom in Times of Crisis which you can find here….

Roots on The Web- worth the subscription!


Prayers this week taken from 

God of all seeds and all stories

God of all seeds and all stories,
we pray for the wisdom to apply the truth of Jesus’ parables
to our own lives
and to our life together in this place where we worship you  
and this community where we serve you.
May we see you, may we hear you, may we know you care.

In the world, we pray especially
for places where climate change has brought drought…
for the places where it has brought floods …
for those whose crops have been scorched…
for those whose livelihoods have been washed away.
We pray for the people of Japan –
for those caught in the heavy rains there –
and for the people of Australia
and their wildlife endangered by the forest fires.
We pray too for those in our own country
who face continual upheaval and heartache through repeated flooding.
May we see you, may we hear you, may we know you care.

We pray for those whose life’s seeds
are being choked by anxiety, poverty and hardship…
for those who have lost their jobs…
for those unable to feed their families
or to pay their mortgages and rent…
for those living without basic facilities.
We pray for those given hope by the emergency budget
and for those who feel hope-less
and for foodbanks and charities that try to help all who are struggling.
May we see you, may we hear you, may we know you care.

We pray for those unable to thrive because of illness…
and those denied the opportunity
to plant the seeds of their dreams in fertile soil…
for those hospitalised with Covid-19…
for those whose journey to recovery is long , slow and painful…
for those who nurse them…
for those who love them…
for those whose treatment has been put on hold…
We pray for those robbed of the opportunity to go to school,
for children in war zones, those in refugee camps,
those who have to work to find their daily food.
May we see you, may we hear you, may we know you care.

And we pray for those whose seeds are watered by their tears…
those grieving the loss of someone close to them…
those who feel forgotten…
those who are neglected…
those who are victims of injustice, abuse, or cruelty…
May they – and all in any kind of need today – see you, may they hear you,
and may know you care. Amen.


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Video of one of my favourite versions of ‘I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say’ sung by Joanna Hogg of the band IONA.

For some unknown reason, apart from being tired and a bit stressed, I wrote about this Sunday’s Gospel reading in the last blog- but I suspect it was one of those spiritually prompted happenings because several people who read it wrote to say they had found the message helpful.  So the same  message applies this week and it’s still in the blog / news column.  

Don’t Forget to Look at Roy’s Sunday Scribblings on this weeks Lectionary Reading! 

He finishes with this prayer:

 Lord Jesus, hear my prayer.

 Cast your burden upon the Lord;

He will sustain you.

Create in us clean hearts, O God;

Renew a right spirit in us.

Cast us not away from your presence;

Take not your Holy Spirit from us.

Give us  the joy of your saving help;

Sustain us with your life giving spirit.

Blessed be the Lord, day by day;

The God of our salvation, who bears our burdens.9



Peter Coster’s Thoughts for the day are: CV12 EASTER 6[11706]



Safeguarding Courses

The brand new C2 safeguarding for leadership course arrived hot off the hard drive from the National Safeguarding Team into my inbox the other day and today I had the chance to discuss it with chief diocesan trainer, Mandy Wells. Some opportunities to take part in the course will be arranged just as soon as it has been trialled with the safeguarding trainers team.

In response to the evaluation of previous courses we have been provided with a student work book (or more accurately a computer document file with spaces you can type into) which will be sent out next week so that you have a chance to reflect on the questions before discussing the answers at the first presentation.

There is much more discussion built in to the two sessions, some theological reflection on a psalm 91 and much more opportunity to apply the message of the course in a practical way in your own situation. The psalm is an interesting, and some might say, a curious, choice as it can be read in many different ways depending on the reader’s situation. I wonder if a victim of abuse from someone in the church would find the words reassuring? What do you think?

As a first response to the need to train in the current time of pandemic, the course is a very worthy effort and with some flexibility should make for a very interesting course and some great discussion.



Margaret Sylvester-Thorne came across this wonderfully encouraging video which is definitely worth a few minutes of your time to watch. 

Finally for this week a Chaplain’s Prayer – or indeed a prayer for chaplains by Claire Burgess, herself a hospital chaplain.

Breath of life and love,

Thank you for being our constant as the normal rhythm of life is disrupted.

Once we gathered, now we are scattered, still united by common purpose and your unfailing love.

Help us to embrace and respond to this new sense of community.

Let us sing your song in new ways.

You came to this world to live like us, help us to live like you.

Let us mirror you servitude, and share the load of carrying the cross

Help us to speak and live your word, that we may bring your words of comfort.

Allow us to walk in the places you walk and take our hands and use them as yours.

At this time Lord, where every place feels like a thin place, guide us to those who need you

Be with those who are lost, lonely and confused. Help us to find new ways to point to you.

Help us to use the quiet moments in our day to rest and heal to prepare ourselves for the challenges we face in our lives and work.

Let your love be visible in us, that it may radiate into the ordinary ness of our day, overflowing into the lives of those we encounter.

Help us to hear the stories of others, that we may respond in ways that weave your story into their story.

Let us be the invite to the empty space at your table.

Open our eyes and ears lord that we may see and hear you amongst the anguish suffered by your people.

Be patient with us as we stumble through the uncertainties of the future,

prepare us Lord to be flexible workers for you.

Send your Holy Spirit before us to reveal the things we cannot see. Help us to

seek you, in all that we meet, that we may show people your ways, and the truth of your love.



(Claire Burgess – Hospital Chaplain)


 My Prayers this week: 

 for those trying to keep us safe. For the police, for those who have been tasked with monitoring our town centres, for stewards at holiday attractions and for the Coastguard.

 For the incoming holiday-makers that they enjoy our county but be respectful of the tides, the beaches and of the local population – may wisdom and common sense prevail.

 For headteachers and governors attempting to unravel and implement government edicts about children returning to school  while being mindful of staff well-being and the worry of parents and carers who may be vulnerable.

 For the sick, the shielding and the self isolating, for those who are fearful especially those facing treatment for other conditions and worried about infection. 

For those who will use the church buildings in the coming week especially those leading services and volunteering to open and clean the buildings. 

For those carrying the heavy burden of abuse; the trapped, the violated, the manipulated, the financially trapped- for those fearing that complaining will hurt them more and for those with no-one to tell.

Lord hold them all in your loving arms and grant healing, peace and grace.


Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’

When all seems hard all around and our people are in crisis, immediate or threatened  we feel we have to step up and be counted;  be sociable and available be innovative,  caring and praying, be creative and more! But. . to be these things has a cost and eventually that bill has to be paid.

My advice, for what it’s worth, is to try and pay it of early! Take some time before someone else is  forced to take drastic action. Look after yourself before others HAVE to do it for you

It is a maxim of emergency aid training that before you wade in to help that you should make sure you are safe otherwise you could add to the problem and make yourself a casualty’. You are then no use to anyone and an extra burden on Those providing the help.

Come to me all you that are weary’ begins our gospel, but to go and lay down your burdens means that you have to stop what you are doing ! It also means you have to get over the feeling that you are indispensable and that you will be letting everyone down. There is a kind of pride in martyring oneself in the service of others.

Unusually for me l decided to take my own advice and this week I posted up my ‘Dunzoomin’ sign and had a break from the time table and the grind of of the last three months. Zoom is a fantastic tool and a useful slave but it can also be as hard task-master. Some days l was tethered to the computer for the day from 8.30 am and things I enjoyed like morning prayer and coffee and conversation began to feel like a chore.

As I read more and more posts in social media from ministers both lay and ordained it became apparent that ministerial burn-out was a very real issue. 

This Sunday’s Gospel promises that Jesus will help us with our burdens, that he will give us rest but it requires listening and action on our part,

I have just finished a ZOOM day of Reader Selection with four fantastic people who have put themselves up for training and the future of Reader Ministry looks good with this new generation. Every year that I am involved in this process I find myself in awe of the commitment and faith of the candidates and of the sacrifices they are prepared to make to join the ranks of our ancient order.  So prayers today for them and the other folk who took part in the day. 

On Monday morning I shall be back in the ZOOM room for coffee and conversation / Solomon’s Portico (porch)- do join us if you can – especially of there is something you want to get off your chest… its a great group for sorting out the world’s ills.  

June 21st Chaplain’s Blog

June 21st 2020

Link to the PDF version with pictures: 

Chaplain’s Blog and note to my Redruth Churches family – June 20th 2020

 Monday for Readers Solomon’s Portico link:

 Daily Prayer  9am link just this week:

 In this Blog:

·       Fathers Day and some prayers

·       Cyber crime and how to choose a good safe password

·       An article found by Roy from the Church Times about the church response to Covid

·       Fr Peter’s weekly newsletter which has some very useful and thought provoking material. (Apologies if you get it directly from Peter – but the pictures are in the right place in this one J )


Dear All


Next week I am deliberately taking some time out to walk and think- things have been fairly intense in the last few months and on Saturday  I am hosting the ZOOM reader selection day which will require a good deal of careful listening. So if I am not about at my usual times……  I am probably walking a beach or a cliff.



Sunday is Father’s day and the longest day of the year, For some fathers in lockdown with small children – or  tricky teenagers it will feel like the longest day of the year every day at the  moment.  (yes I know All Parents Matter – or for that Matter All People ….. but its “Father’s day” so we are thinking of them in particular).


No full intercessions this week from me just these few prayers.


For Fathers: those coping with children at home, for those that wished they had the opportunity, for those whose grown children live far away or where relationships are poor, for those who have lost livelihoods in these strange times and struggle to put food on the table, for those who wish they had more time, more skill, more motivation to play, more energy. Lord enfold and encourage and let them know your love as Our Father in heaven.


For all carers; especially those unofficial carers whose partners or spouses are seriously ill or disabled.  For carers who work for minimum wage going above and beyond the call of duty. For those feeling that they risk their own health each day.  Grant comfort and sustain them Lord.


Roots on the Web provide some fantastic material some free at the moment but its well worth the subscription.


As we think about resilience this week with families, and the challenges of being a disciple of  Jesus,   we’ll leave you with this prayer which is taken from this week’s ROOTS at home resources for adults.

Do not fear to bring your pain to God.

Do not fear to bring your doubts.

Do not fear to bring your lack of confidence.

Do not fear to bring your worst, as well as your best.

Do not fear to bring your memories and your dreams,

your hopes and your anguish.

God knows you and loves you.

God will never give up on you.

Thank you, God. Amen.


Make sure you have strong passwords and try not to use the same one!


On Wednesday morning I attended the cybercrimes course on ZOOM from Devon and Cornwall Police which was really useful in updating my knowledge. I was relieved that I actually did know most of it! The most helpful thing for me was a tip in how to make a more secure password and then remember it – and have different passwords for different logins.


I have always relied on a few words with numbers instead of letters and a symbol of some sort.  E.g., something like B00kofC0mm0nPray3r#  but it seems password cracking machines just substitute numbers for letters anyway…. So although that password is fairly secure it’s not  quite random enough.


The suggestion is to take a phrase instead such as:


The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want psalm 23

Which would become TLimsIsnwp23# 

And to the end add something so you will know which login it is …

e.g. TLimsIsnwp23#SS might be supermarket shopping or

TLimsIsnwp23#olb might be on line banking.


What phrase might you choose?  I instantly went to change my bank one…. But ended up contacting them because their system would not accept a symbol…. But did not actually tell me that was the reason…. It informed me quite uselessly that my chosen 13 letter random string was a UK postcode. That was deeply unhelpful. I am fairly computer savvy but folks who are already wrestling with just getting on line let alone remembering password are hardly going to be encouraged to take it seriously unless the system is more user friendly!


The Metropolitan Police’s ‘Little Book of Cyber Scams’ covers everything they didn’t cover in the presentation:

– It’s definitely worth printing off to have at hand for specific guidance.


Get Safe Online:

– A great site which gives advice for individuals, businesses and children on all aspects of internet safety.


Take Five to Stop Fraud:

– Advice on financial and banking fraud


The National Cyber Security Centre:

– The NCSC is the governments ‘arm’ of cyber.  Lots of information on latest threats, incident management and guidance and new updated resources for schools


Another useful tool is to input your email address into the ‘Have I Been Pwned’ website and the site will advise if your address has been involved in a data breach:

– Very useful to check this if you are receiving a lot of spam email in your account.  If you find that your account has been compromised, change your password immediately.


Reporting fraud and Cyber Crime to Action Fraud:  Telephone number 0300 1232040:




“Learn lessons of Covid crisis in Europe, say Christian charities”


A discussion in the Readers’ group on Monday  makes for very interesting reading all about life in church as things reopen and how churches in Europe are responding. 



Fr Peter’s Weekly Letter



COVID 19.     NEWSLETTER 14.    079 038 079 46



Dear friends throughout the world,

This letter comes to you with the assurance of the prayers of 

The Rev’d Carole Holmes (Methodist Superintendent Minister, 

The Rev’d Caspar Bush (Rector of Redruth)

Pastor Jenny Lockwood (Methodist Minister, Lanner)

Together with all the Readers, Lay Preachers and Ministers within the Redruth area.

The U.K. is releasing its lockdown, but how is it in Peru, Canada, Germany,

New Zealand, Hong Kong, Dubai and any other country that this letter reaches;

send an email to and your lockdown stories, poems, thoughts, hopes and dreams can be printed. This week a poem has come in from Sheila in Cornwall:



I had a dream, the world was new,

Untouched, with peace, serene.

I had a nightmare, man was born,

Destroying all he’d seen.


With open eyes, the dreams and nightmares end,

And all is clear.

The world would once again revive,

If man would disappear.


But no! That’s not the way to feel.

With guidance from above,

We’re learning to protect this world we live in –

Now with love.


With open eyes, my dream is now,

Respect for all we see,

Then man will share the world revived,

To live in peace – and harmony.



TODAY’S GOSPEL READING: Matthew 10 vv24 – 39

It’s all about letting your life speak of God’s love for the world. 


It’s all about not letting others, even if they are your family or your friends, turn you away from the path that God has set before you


It is all about remembering that in the end, the truth will emerge and whatever you have done or not done will become clear.


During the present time so many people have let their lives speak. We all have seen the work of those in the face of danger, those whose work has become essential for each one of us. Maybe today we pause to remember and give thanks for those who have ‘just got on with it’ and have done what they could to “stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives”. There is a TV advert for a food delivery firm who are delivering meals to households where there is a need. They deliver to the heroes of the NHS, to the heroes of all the jobs we have applauded, but also, they deliver meals to the heroes who stayed at home. 


God calls us to do what we can, wherever we are. To change someone else’s darkness, sorrow or despair with a kind word, a generous action, a friendly wave. As the lockdown eases and things seem to be a little more normal, each one of us can become a hero to someone else, through just being aware of their need. Through each one of us, God’s love can not only change lives, but also save them.




The £400.00 needed to support SHELTERBOX in its Lent 2020 appeal, 

A TENT FOR LENT has been reached, and the cheque has been sent. The money will be used to provide a tent for a Syrian refugee family. THANK YOU so much for your donations, especially in such troubled times.




The Red Windsor apple tree, so generously donated by the Lelant Garden Centre and planted on zoom last Sunday on World Environment Day has found its way into Pencoys Primary School. It will eventually have a plaque with the words:




See the tree below, with Alex the headteacher.




Although the applause and the torches have stopped, we can still come together at home, each Sunday at 6.00pm., to pray for those whose names are listed within this sheet and those whom you carry on your hearts. You may also wish to remember those whose journey is over and those whose lives have supported you on your journey.

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Catherine, Iain, Phil., Donald, David, Terri, Terry D., Shirley, Max.,

Zoe, Helen, Brian

RIP.: Mavis, Vicky,


Although some churches are finding ways to open safely for ‘supervised private prayer’ formal services are not yet possible. If you would usually receive the Blessed Sacrament, you may wish to sit quietly and have some bread beside you. This prayer will help you to remember the events of the Last Supper and beyond:



As the seed falls into the earth and dies to give life to the grain,

As the corn is cut and crushed to make flour,

As the flour is baked and the yeast dies to give life to the dough.

As the bread is broken and eaten to give life to the body.

So Jesus, sitting with the disciples, took bread, broke it and said:


Eat this bread and remember Jesus.




ALBAN, first martyr of Britain.    250.    Monday June 22

Alban, known as the protomartyr of Britain, was a Roman citizen who lived in the third century. Alban became a Christian through the witness of a priest that he helped escape from persecution. Alban then disguised himself as a priest, was arrested and executed. 


ETHELDREDA, Abbess of Ely.    678.    Tuesday June 23

ETHELDREDA, 636 – 679 was an East Anglian princess, queen of Northumbria and Abbess of Ely. She is also known as Audrey. Her father was King Anna and her siblings were Wendreda and Seaxburh of Ely, both of whom left secular life and both founded abbeys. 



JOHN THE BAPTIST was the son of Elizabeth, a cousin of Mary and Zechariah. His birth, announced by the Angel Gabriel resulted in Zechariah being rendered dumb for disbelieving the angelic messenger. His youth was spent as a hermit in the wilderness , surviving only on locusts and wild honey. His charismatic personality attracted great crowds when he left the wilderness and began to preach. His words focused on preparing for the Messiah and it is John who baptises Jesus in the river Jordan. The end of his life came when he denounced the marriage of Herod Antipas and his niece Herodias, whose daughter, Salome called for John’s execution as a prize for her dancing. 



As Hugh prepares himself for the moment of his consecration which will happen, the words of the consecration will be similar to this prayer …….


Almighty Father,

Fill your servant Hugh with the grace and power which you gave to your apostles,

that he may lead those committed to his charge in proclaiming the gospel of salvation.

Through Hugh increase your Church, renew its ministry, and unite its members in a holy fellowship of truth and love.

Enable Hugh, as a true shepherd, to feed and govern your flock; make him wise as a teacher, and steadfast as a guardian of its faith and sacraments.

Guide and direct Hugh in presiding at the worship of your people. 

Give him humility, that he may use authority to heal, not to hurt; to build up, 

not to destroy.

Defend Hugh from all evil, that as a ruler over your household and an ambassador for Christ he may stand before you blameless, and finally, with all your servants, enter your eternal joy.


May God bless Hugh, the Bishop of St Germans elect, and all his family.


EMBER DAY.    Friday June 26

AN EMBER DAY is a day set aside for prayer and fasting, often with a particular emphasis on prayers for vocations, bot lay and ordained. They occur four times a year, but dates may vary through local tradition. The traditional dates are the week of the first Sunday in Lent, the second week of June, the third week of September and the week before Christmas Eve. The word EMBER is thought to be formed from the Latin QUATUOR TEMPORA which simply means FOUR TIMES, hence the four periods of Ember Days each year.


CYRIL, Bishop of Alexandria, teacher.    444.    EMBER DAY.    Saturday June 27

CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA 376 – 444 was the Patriarch of Alexandria from 412 – 444. 

Cyril wrote extensively and led the opposition to heresies of Christian Faith at the Council of Ephesus.




SUNDAY JUNE 21.    Trinity 2.    FATHER’S DAY

“You are a forgiving God, and show us the way forward. ” Psalm 99 vv8

PRAYER: Loving and forgiving God, help me to remember that you forgive me even when I cannot forgive myself



MONDAY JUNE 22.    St Alban.    First martyr of Britain.    250

“Devote yourself to the Lord your God, keep God’s laws day by day”

1Kings 8 vv61

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, when I need to love, help me to love with all my heart; then, help me to love with the same energy when I am not inclined to love.



TUESDAY JUNE 23.    St Etheldreda.    Abbess of Ely.    678

“The sisters of Lazarus sent a message to Jesus: “Lord, the one you love is ill”

John 11vv3

PRAYER: Healing God, be close to those who suffer at this time, surround them with your healing arms and sustain those who care for them, and those who would be with them.



WEDNESDAY JUNE 24.    The birth of John the Baptist

“The Lord heard the sighs of the prisoners and those appointed to die” 

Psalm 103 vv20 – 21

PRAYER: God of peace and justice, hear the cry of those who suffer as they speak words about a new society where all people are honoured and your love surrounds 

us all




“Many came to be with Mary and Martha and to console them for the loss of Lazarus, their brother” John 11 vv19

PRAYER: Rest Eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.



FRIDAY JUNE 26.      Ember Day

The prophet Elijah said “I have been zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts”

1Kings 19 vv10

PRAYER: Blessed and eternal God, be close to those who struggle to know your will for their lives



SATURDAY JUNE 27.    Cyril of Alexandria.    Teacher.    444.    Ember Day”

Jesus said to Martha “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me even though they die, will live” John 11 vv25

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, so often, you knew that what you did and what you said would draw you ever closer to the cross, but, you did and said it anyway. Help us to do the same.




The Lord forgives all your sins and brings you healing. The Lord redeems your life and crowns you with kindness and mercy.




The painting below of walkers travelling across water could be a vision of the release of the lockdown. If you look closely some of the walkers are walking together, perhaps intent on following the same path, perhaps the path they have followed before. Others have turned away from the group and are seeking new directions. 

Perhaps each of them are reading carefully into unknown. Even what should be familiar is different, and the new pathways must be travelled with care. Some of the walkers will be anxious, some full of confidence. Some wanting the security of the past, some excited to be starting a new journey.



As the lockdown is gently released where will you walk? The same pathway? Or will you like Graham suggested in last week’s sermon step out into the unknown and find new ways of reflecting God’s love out into the world. 

The Walkers is painted by Margaret Neve




Following the recent government guidance:



will be open each Tuesday & Saturday: 10.00am – 2.00pm


Christchurch, Lanner and St Andrew, Pencoys will be open from MONDAY JUNE 22

CHRISTCHURCH: Monday 2.00pm – 4.00pm / Friday 4.00pm – 6.00pm

ST ANDREW, PENCOYS: Tuesday 2.00pm – 4.00pm / Saturday 4.00pm – 6.00pm


You are very welcome to call in for private prayer, to sit and think or maybe just to come back to church. All the required safety precautions will be in place. If you come along, don’t be surprised to see hazard tape, sanitiser and the scent of disinfectant.




The study groups are continuing:

WEDNESDAY / 9.30am with Margaret

WEDNESDAY / 11.15am., bring a sandwich, with FP

THURSDAY / 7,00pm with Graham

THURSDAY / 7.30pm with Caspar

The theme is ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS IN JOHN’S GOSPEL and this week’s encounter is with the Samaritan woman at the well.




Half way through Lent, the church celebrates Mothering Sunday, or Mother’s Day. This year it was on March 22 and our churches were locked. Now, on June 21, just three months later, the churches are slightly open, but for some reason, Father’s Day, or you could say Fathering Sunday, isn’t given the same importance.


Since the Middle Ages, this special day was kept on March 19, and was known as 

Saint Joseph’s Day. In 1910, the USA kept the day on the third Sunday in June, and we in the UK have followed on. Other nations keep the day at different times.


In the UK the day came into an increased importance after the Second World War. 

Perhaps as you look back on your life there will be people who have had the qualities of a father for you. 



God our father, in your wisdom and love you made all things.

Bless those fathers who have accepted the responsibility of being a father.

Bless those who are being a father alone.

Strengthen all dads by your love, that they may be loving and caring.

Grant this prayer, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN



prayers week beginning June 14  (Link to the printable PDF version)

The prayers today are based on the lectionary readings for Sunday 14th.


Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Gracious Lord we are thankful for your compassion and that you are there to guide and lead us, help us to show that same compassion and leadership to others especially those who feel lost, harassed and helpless.

 Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

We pray Lord for those called to ministry and those who could be, but who need prompting, – help us to be an encouragement to others who might be workers for the harvest.

In our communities we pray for our farmers, especially those who are used to having an influx of workers from other countries to gather their crops. Lord we pray that a solution might be found.

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness

Jesus we thank you for all who work in our health service tasked with healing disease and sickness. We pay that they remain safe as they give themselves selflessly in the service of the sick and troubled. We pray for all those known to us who are suffering, or in need of prayer especially….. and ask that you will hold them in the hollow of your healing hand that they might be reassured of your love and comfort.

Freely you have received; freely give.“ Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep.

Lord help us to share the worlds resources wisely and to give of our comparative wealth.  We pray for all foodbank volunteers and those who have to use the foodbanks. Especially at this time as the economic situation worsens we pray for those who worry about putting enough food on the table and find it hard to ask for help.

As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town

Lord we pray for those living in precarious situations; in houses where there is domestic abuse, overcrowding, or in poor conditions. We pray for the adults and children who are subject to violence and sexual assault trapped with the perpetrator.

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged 

Lord help us to remember your church in other countries were apart from the pandemic there are the added troubles of persecution, violence and war. Lord grant our world leaders grace and wisdom to work for all people.

We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. (Romans)

We pray for all who are suffering through the consequences of the current crisis in whatever way.

We also remember those who have suffered and lost their lives in recent times and ask Lord, your comfort and blessing on those that grieve their loss and have not been able to celebrate their loved-ones lives as they would have wanted.

Go to serve; go to love;
go to bring healing; go to bring peace;
go in the strength of the Father;
go in the power of Jesus;
go united by the Spirit.
Go – and know his grace.

Lord, you have called us to the privilege of service,
but we have failed to serve.
You have given us the blessing of peace,
but we have chosen discord.
You have loved as a shepherd tends his sheep,
but we have strayed from your way.
Forgive us, and show us the path of obedience and faithfulness
that your Son trod.
In his name, we pray.


Dear Recipients of this epistle

Lockdown Mornings begin early for me. By 5:30 I am usually out walking, camera at the ready either my phone or a rather larger camera slung over my shoulder pretty-well whatever the weather.  I have been known to set out in full waterproofs and an umbrella.   I really  find the sitting in a chair to meditate, muse and prayer in the classic manner with palms on my knees, my back straight and feet flat on the floor, an awful torture…… but walking in the rain for an hour- now that is a comparative pleasure and, for me, far more efficacious. 

So I am always back in time for a leisurely breakfast when I can read the headlines, the Guardian cartoons and the latest nonsense on social media. Occasionally there is a snippet of gold – or if not gold then something that makes me laugh- here’s an example of each to get you thinking……

The Prayer List

Nobody has told me of anyone who needs to be on the prayer list or anyone who needs an update. 

So please pray for the folks I have heard from recently: 






Simon Cade

12 hrs

When power shifts, some of the symbols of the old order are removed, some are transformed and adopted, some are ignored and wither away, and some simply continue. It may be that power is shifting in the UK and US now, it is quite likely; apart from anything else times of plague are often associated with wider shifts in power.

When the Ba’athist regime of Saddam Hussain fell in 2003 so did some of the symbols associated with the regime, as US and other forces took power they didn’t insist on restoring the statues for reasons of historical authenticity, just as when Stanley was retaken from the Argentine forces in 1982 we didn’t insist that the newly installed portraits of General Galtieri had to remain.

Power is not just about who the leader is. A shift in power doesn’t need an election or a revolution or an invasion, it can come from ideas.
It seems to me that there are some important questions about power in the UK today, they are more important than questions about street furniture.

Is power shifting now? What are the ideas behind it? Does power need to shift? And whether the answers are yes, or no, or maybe, where is the Good News to be found? What is God up to? And if this isn’t about a revolution or even an election, what are the ideas that are important?

It is much easier to talk about statues. I can be for or against, and it makes for a simple picture. As a Christian the much harder conversation is about how I love my neighbour when they are so angry or hard to love, how do I honour the people I disagree with, how do I put others before myself. Most important of all, how do I listen for the still small voice of God’s love in a noisy and contradictory world

Please do visit the St Andrews virtual arts festival for 2020 at   there are some wonderful and extraordinary things to see, I have some particular favourites- but I am not saying what…. You will have to guess.   If you would like to contribute to the festival there is still time- I am putting up new items each day. Just reply to this email and attach your pictures, movie etc.

Then I fire up ZOOM for Morning Prayer at nine a.m. although I begin the meeting at 8:30 so people can chat. It has been a lifeline for several people living on their own! You are all welcome to join us- especially on Mondays which is my designated day to lead it.

Solomon’s Portico. (Where the believers met!)   Mondays 9:30 to Noon (drop in whenever you want and leave whenever you need to)

 Up to now has been completely fluid and flexible in terms of discussion but after consulting with the regular attenders we are going to set aside the hour from 10 till 11 for a different topic each week.


This week’s topics will include “The reader service” (assuming it happens)  

  • What should it look like?
  • Should there be more than one licensing service?
  • Licensing in home church?
  • Should “permission to officiate” be done away with altogether as Readers will be relicensed every 5 anyway


The Church after lockdown……..


Penalty words: nothing is actually banned from conversation but there could be a fine of £1, to be paid to a charity of the culprit’s choice for each and every mention of the suggested words of the day …… (what words would you banish? J )



Last week Kathy6 mentioned this fantastic artist – worth looking at his instagram contributions…


The next link is a really good little video for setting up ZOOM for music

Cello Wars (Star Wars Parody) Lightsaber Duel – The Piano Guys

Suggested by David Fieldsend

My webpage

Judith's parish is in transition at this time so like many readers she is reaching out to her people.

This Sunday 7th June, is Trinity Sunday.  There are many analogies and ways of thinking about what it means, but I like this one,

Tertullian, one of the theologians of the early church, explained the Trinity in a metaphor. God the Father he described as “a deep root, Jesus the Son as the shoot that breaks forth into the world, and the Spirit as that which spreads beauty and fragrance.”

As a gardener, this makes sense to me, although as a chocolate eater I do like the Mars bar analogy too.  There is the nougat the base of this yummy confectionery, representing God the Father.  Probably the first part laid down in the making of it. Then there is the caramel, nicely positioned on top, separate yet part of it, this is Jesus, the Son. And then there is the chocolate coating surrounding it all, the Holy Spirit. A student once said to me so the Trinity is a Mars Bar Miss, I think they missed the point! It is of course a way of trying to explain the connection between the three persons of the Trinity.

An analogy for the spirit is sometimes described as the love which binds people together. You cannot see it but you know for certain that it is there.  The spirit binds us together in love.

However we look at the Trinity, it seems to me to be about relationships.  We are all connected with each other and God in lots of ways.  To remove ourselves from all forms of relationship is I think almost impossible.  To interact with others for good or bad is part of being human, and not just other humans but also nature and our planet.  To have a relationship with God would seem natural and for God to have a relationship with us.  Through the Trinity we can begin to see that each part leads to the other in a connected whole.  The Son leads us to the Father and the Spirit; the Father leads us to listen to the Son and the Spirit; and the Spirit leads us to the Son and the Father.  God’s nature is relationship. Life is relationship.  It is through relationship that God is revealed to us and through relationship that we respond to God

Blessings to you all Judith

Judith Ayres

A link to the whole of Judith’s letter.

From Lament to Hope

Joel is one of the Old Testament prophets, who struggled with God at a time of both a huge locust swarm, and a severe drought. Although such disasters in the bible are often understood as analogies, standing for ‘invasions of foreign armies’, or ‘unjust leaders exploiting the people of Israel’, it seems that these locusts, and this drought, were real disasters that happened in Joel’s time.
We too live at a time of conjunction of disasters. Climate change is real; the science is well understood, though a few powerful people are still focusing on their own personal desire to make maximum short term profit, even if it brings the point of crisis closer. The Corona Virus Disease, Covid 19, is real; it is causing many deaths, there is no vaccine, and we are not yet testing enough people to be able to track and trace who is catching it. Even the end of this year, making real our exit from the European Union, which will cause significant change, in a way that many people feel that we are not yet well prepared for, feels to some like another disaster on its way.

What we can get from prophets like Joel is an assurance that the people of God have faced difficult times. Lament is an appropriate response. Tell God how you feel as Joel did: “Hear this, O elders, give ear, all inhabitants of the land! Has such a thing happened in your days, or in the days of your ancestors? 3 Tell your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation. 4 What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten. What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten. Joel 1:2-4

What to do? 

We start with the lament:

5 Wake up, you drunkards, and weep
8 Lament like a young woman dressed in sackcloth for the husband of her youth
11 Be dismayed, you farmers, wail, you vine-dressers
13 Put on sackcloth and lament, you priests; wail, you ministers of the altar. Come, pass the night in sackcloth, you ministers of my God! Grain-offering and drink-offering are withheld from the house of your God. Joel 1:5,8,11,13

Joel spoke the name of the disasters falling on God’s people in his time. It is important that we try to speak the name of the difficulty we are living through.
People are dying because of the Corona Virus, in our hospitals, in our care homes, in our community. We pray for all who are affected: suffering, nursing, and caring for them. The climate is changing, and those who have done least to cause those changes, the poorest communities around the world, are those who are already suffering most, and we pray for them. If we name our challenges, if we bring them before God in lament, then we can have faith that God is with us, and have hope that God is bringing healing to our situations. This is the context for Joel’s vision of God answering his lament with the promise of restoration of
the land, 22Do not fear, you animals of the field, for the pastures of the wilderness are green; the tree bears its fruit, the fig tree and vine give their full yield Joel 2:22 and the people: 28Then afterwards I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. 29Even on the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit. Joel 2:28-29 It feels important to me, that restoration is not just for us, individually, but for us collectively, as
community; all of us together – even the animals. This gives us hope in the context of climate change – we try our best to use clean energy, reuse and recycle, and as many of the climate pledges as we can. (
One of the good features of our Covid response has been that most of us have accepted the lockdown collectively, as collectively is the only way it will work; redemption is for us all.

17So you shall know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion, my holy mountain.
And Jerusalem shall be holy, and strangers shall never again pass through it. Joel 3:17 ‘Strangers’, here, means enemies; no people will dwell here except friends of Judah. Later prophesies, together with the words of Jesus, allow us to understand that there would be no strangers because we will all be united, not just Jew and Gentile, but ‘all flesh shall see it together’ (Isaiah 40:5 KJV has it right, I think.)

We might read in Psalms:
4Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away your indignation towards us. 5Will you be angry with us for ever? Will you prolong your anger to all generations? 6Will you not revive us again, so that your people may rejoice in you? 7Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. Psalm 85:4-7 Tell God how you feel, but also remember, God has rescued and redeemed his people before. Several times, times without number. 

God has the solution to this, though he asks us to do our bit:
13When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, 14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 (1 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High;  2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night, 3 to the music of he lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre. 4 For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy) Psalm 82:1-4 (1 I  lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 3He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. 4He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep) Psalm 121:1-4 These can reassure us, but ultimately we have Jesus own words in John’s Gospel:
1‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father’s house there are many dwelling-places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.’ John 14:1-3

So, we are living through a dangerous pandemic at a time of climate crisis. I have no idea how it will end, and am not sure that anyone else has, either. Will there be a vaccine, will the virus mutate and be less deadly, will social distancing simply make it die out thanks to ‘test, track and trace’? I don’t know. Will we all do our part to reduce our impact on the climate, and will our governments and big businesses take our lead and do their bit? I don’t know. However, I hope, I believe that God has it in hand. We must do our best to conform to our civil obligations. We must worship and thank God in the name of Jesus, and do our best to live in the strength of the Holy Spirit. And, I believe, we need to ‘be still, and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10) – we must let God be God.

I am praying that you are all keeping happy and healthy, and looking forward to meeting face to face as soon as we are able.

Yours in Christ,

Tony Le Fevre 27th May 2020

A gallery of images whilst walking

Every morning for the last few months I have been out for a walk at dawn- or thereabouts  which has helped my health considerably (mentally, physically and spiritually).  Each day I try to take a few photos, mostly with my phone as my camera has proved to heavy to be comfortable to lug about for four or five miles! 

As I have walked these paths and taken in these wonderful views my prayer list has been much on my mind- especially for those who have contacted me about their health or their worries for others. 

So if you enlarge these pictures – do step into them and offer up a prayer of thanks for all we have and ask healing for all Readers in need. 

Two more contributions attached: a poem called “The Love of Friends” –prompted by Roy’s Scribblings: the dead man was Rev’d David Nicholson, Methodist minister and Jungian psychoanalyst extraordinaire, and the Minister who gave the eulogy and told the story was Rev’d Steven Wild, Chair of Cornwall District.  Also an article about change that was published in St Martin’s magazine about six months ago.

Blessings, Kathy